Nov 25 (2 days ago)
to me
Hi Linda,
I'm sorry to hear about all the problems you've been having. I hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
Aric had a lot of fun at the hotel and in the pool, and we had a good Thanksgiving at Kori's with the family.
I want you to know that anything the attorney and I put into the motion was an honest summation of the situation as I've experienced it, and I've had no intention of slandering you. I've never questioned your love for our son, I simply have grave concerns regarding your ability to act in his best interest, given the current chaotic circumstances of your life.
I am completely committed to providing Aric with the best possible future, and I see gaining full legal custody and guardianship as essential to that outcome.
While you certainly have every right to appear in court and present your side of things, I want you to understand that I feel no obligation to help you. My concern will be winning the case for Aric's benefit.
You can, of course, visit with Aric, while you're here, but I have no responsibility to provide you with room and board, and you will not be staying overnight at our apartment.
Aric will be off school the week of the hearing anyway, and will be staying at Matt and Michelle's, who now live in South St. Paul.
Also, please understand that I have no responsibility to provide you with transportation to the courthouse in Hastings.
I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but I want you to be fully informed of my intentions before you come.
I showed Aric you e-mail and read it to him.
I'll have my phone handy as much as possible tomorrow, but we're going to a movie at 1:30PM, which should last around two hours.
You continue to be in my prayers,